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Bioceres Group

PatSnap customer: Bioceres, a leading crop nutrition and protection solutions

Fully integrated provider of crop productivity technologies

Company representative

Gloria Montaron, Director, and Chief Intellectual Property Officer

Gloria Montaron of Bioceres Group

Facts about Bioceres Group


Life Sciences


Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

Company size:


Bioceres Group's PatSnap suite:

PatSnap Analytics

Quote from Gloria Montaron

"Since transitioning to PatSnap we reduced budget by around 300% and are also more confident in our research"

-Gloria Montaron

The obstacle

Using multiple databases and external counsel provide to be tedious and inefficient and lacked the accuracy Bioceres needed.

The solution

PatSnap’s extensive data, and actionable insights helped Bioceres consolidate their resources, allowing them to have a clearer, more comprehensive picture of the crop solutions industry.

The outcome

With PatSnap, the Bioceres team has a more holistic view of the patent landscape, enabling them to make better innovation and business decisions.

Leaders in Crop Solutions

Bioceres is a fully integrated provider of crop productivity technologies, designed to enable the transition of agriculture towards carbon neutrality. They have a unique biotech platform with high-impact, patented technologies for seeds and microbial ag-inputs, as well as next-generation crop nutrition and protection solutions. Bioceres was the first company to achieve drought-tolerant soybean and wheat crops, with more than700 trademarks and applications. Bioceres is a global company with agricultural inputs marketed across over 30 countries, mainly in Argentina, Brazil, the United States, Europe, and South Africa.

Bioceres’ pipeline focuses mainly on developing biological products to improve crop performance while reducing environmental impact, including the carbon footprint of agricultural activities. The company discovers, develops, and commercializes biotech traits, bio-fungicides, bio-stimulants, inoculants, soybean, and wheat seed varieties. Its products also improve the efficiency of adjuvants and micro-beaded fertilizers, by combining these with biological inputs.

Innovation Intelligence

Gloria Montaron, Director, and Chief Intellectual Property Officer at Bioceres Group, manages their growing IP portfolio, she also analyzes the portfolios of potential acquisition targets. Bioceres maintains a very robust patent portfolio, with over 300 patents issued or pending. Montaron works to monitor the competitive landscape, maintain the company’s portfolio, analyze acquisition targets, and analyze freedom to operate for new projects.

Montaron leverages PatSnap’s breadth of data and analytics to monitor the portfolios and maintain a holistic view of the industry. Prior to using PatSnap, Bioceres used open-source software and relied heavily on external counsel. The processes were tedious and expensive. Plus, the team wasn’t confident in the accuracy of the external searches. To address these challenges, they turned to PatSnap. Since transitioning, Montaron and her team have brought most of their IP work in house.

We reduced budget by around 300% and are also more confident in our research.

Power is Information

Montaron says, “power is information,” and that is exactly what PatSnap offers. In particular, the insights tool “provides a lot of information in a very easy to digest and understand form.” It allows their team to have meaningful, well-informed discussions while analyzing potential acquisition targets and enables them to “better negotiate.” They have a holistic view of a target company and its portfolio, as well as its valuations, enabling them to accurately dissect what it may be worth when considering acquisitions.

Bioceres also uses PatSnap in their technology department when working on new products. Montaron encourages the team to leverage PatSnap insights and put together reports on different technology spaces. Equipped with the AI-powered analytics, the team gains a deeper understanding of the technology space, as well as freedom to operate. Plus, they can confidently answer questions such as:

  • Where do we sit in the market?
  • Where do our competitors sit?

Clearer More Comprehensive Picture

Since transitioning to PatSnap, Montaron has a clearer, more comprehensive picture of the crop solutions industry, including the patents and companies that are, and will be, transforming the industry. Some of the key features that help Montaron obtain this picture are:

  • Valuations. The patent valuations are especially useful because, “they allow us to perform data-driven negotiations when acquiring a company and its portfolio.”
  • Landscapes. Landscapes are powerful and enable Bioceres to “ perform precise searches on a technology.”
  • Insights. The insights module is “amazing for connecting technology and IP with our business and competitive strategies.”

Montaron encourages others to try PatSnap’s user-friendly interface. She describes PatSnap as a “facilitator.”

“It really facilitates a way for you to easily work with intellectual property.” With PatSnap, the Bioceres team works confidently and efficiently.

Bioceres Group's PatSnap results