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Product Plans

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power your innovation

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  • Standard

    Streamline your patent analysis with essential AI-powered tools and a comprehensive workflow upgrade.

    Select plan Standard Functions:

    AI indexes key technologies and disassembles massive patents with one click

    Global legal data to help you locate and identify risk control information

    More advanced search functions to meet professional search needs

    Cross-team workspace to improve R&D collaboration efficiency

  • Premium

    Maximize your patent analysis with advanced AI, in-depth analytics, and real-time insights.

    Select plan All Standard features plus:

    AI-driven search, comprehensive workflow upgrade

    Product patent mapping information, easily decode the technical details behind the product

    Analyze millions of datapoints with one click to create a dedicated intelligent analysis system

    Monitor, compare and review documents in real time to understand global competition trends

    Compare All Features

    Usage limits for certain features vary between the Standard and Premium tiers

    Standard edition

    Premium edition

  • Data

    Patent Data for 170 jurisdictions

    Bibliography, Full Text, Citation, Family, PDF

    Full-Text Machine Translation

    Transfer, Customs, License, Litigation, File
    Wrapper, Pledge, Re-Examination, Invalidation


  • Search & Review

    Publication Mode Search
    Search for individual patent records

    Family Mode Search
    Search for patent families as a single unit of data

    Simple and Field Search

    Expert Search
    For building and modifying complex queries

    Semantic Search

    Bulk Search

    Classification Search

    Image Search

    Literature Search

    Legal Search
    Litigation, re-examination & invalidation, licensing, assignment and pledge searching

    Patent View

    Re-Examination & Invalidation File Download

    Corporate Tree
    Easily identify and include parent organizations or subsidiaries in your searches

    Claims Comparison – Family Members

    Claims Comparison – Prosecution Amendments


    Prosecution/Claims History View


    Patent Comparison

    Smart Image
    Patsnap’s intelligence AI labels patent figures, linking them directly to where
    they are being discussed in the patent text

    Citation Map
    Visually navigate relationships between different records via their citations

    Similar Patents

    Related Literature

    Dual View
    Improve efficiency by viewing two different sections of a patent record simultaneously

    Multi-Monitor Display Mode
    For power users reviewing patents using multiple monitors

  • Analysis

    Search Results Page: Analysis View
    At-a-glance visualizations of your search results data

    Custom Analysis - Template Charts & 2-Dimension Analysis
    Custom analysis is a customizable visual analysis suite for patent data

    Custom Analysis - Custom Indicators, Custom Fields, 3-Dimension Analysis
    Custom analysis is a customizable visual analysis suite for patent data




    Family Mode Search Analysis

    3-dimensional interactive topographical visual analysis tool


    Comprehensive visual reporting tool with premade shareable and interactive charts


  • Import & Export

    Patent Export

    IDS Generator
    With a few clicks, export a ready-to-submit USPTO Information Disclosure Statement

    PDF Export

    File Wrapper Download

    CN File Wrapper Download

    BizInt Export


    AI Import

  • Workspace

    Personal, Shared, Company Workspaces


    Task Assignment

    Family Expansion

    Calculation Folders

    Custom Fields

    Smart Custom Fields
    An intelligent categorization tool to help improve indexing efficiency


    Rule-Based Tagging
    Set rules using Boolean logic to determine how records are indexed

    Family Tagging

    Advanced Settings For Family Tagging
    Advanced settings for tagging records across a patent family


    AI Tagging
    Securely tag records with an AI model trained exclusively on your own custom field data

    AI Generated Custom Fields
    Use our LLM to generate a relevant taxonomy to use for indexing records

    Product (Virtual Patent Marking) Field & Refinement
    Easily link patents to real-world products


  • Alerts

    Email Alert

    File Wrapper Email Alert

  • Other

    Estimated Patent Valuation

    Estimated Patent Expiry Date


    AI Patent Summaries

    AI Lab
    Module for testing early-stage AI product prototypes and providing feedback,
    ensuring Patsnap invests in AI features you want and find value in

12,000+ industry-leading companies
innovate faster and better with Patsnap

  • Legal

    Banner Witcoff

    Intuitive user experience, data coverage, and research workflow efficiency.

  • Life sciences


    Fast tracking Vyriad’s pipeline of genetic therapies

  • Chemical


    Simplifying build, maintenance, construction, and repair.